Sites & cities that bear the name of Cabezo de Alcalá

Cabezo de Alcalá

Today in : Spain
First trace of activity : ca. 9th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : 76 B.C.E
Recorded names : Sedeisken?

Description : Cabezo de Alcalá is an archaeological site located near Azaila , in the community of Aragón ( Spain ). The complex includes an acropolis , several adjoining buildings and a Celtic necropolis . The acropolis was initially populated by Celts from the culture of the ballot boxes around the 9th century BC. C. They occupied the top amesetada of a hillock near the Aguasvivas river , which gave them an easy defense and a relative proximity to the water. The strategic position allowed to control the valley of this river. The necropolis, a field of urns , has also been preserved . The Celtic city was destroyed during the Punic Wars , around the 3rd century BC. C. , and its remains are under the level that can be visited. It was rebuilt by Iberian Indians , probably sedetans . The city extended beyond the preserved acropolis, with a commercial district (preserved) and houses of farmers and more disadvantaged classes outside the walls. These neighborhoods and houses are not excavated and have been partly destroyed by modern agricultural and economic activities. In total, an approximate population of about 3000 inhabitants is calculated. The population gradually became Romanized, although maintaining its native character. The destruction of this second population was as a result of the Roman Civil Wars or Sertorian Wars . In the year 75 or 76 a. C. troops Pompey laid siege to the city in favor of Sertorio . In order to enter the walled enclosure, they built a ramp ( agger ) with the materials from the houses of the outer neighborhoods and mortar ( caementicium ). The ramp allowed them to cross the moat and the walls, with which they managed to enter destroying everything in their path. The city was never rebuilt. The old name of the city is not known although some researchers have proposed that it is Sedeisken , the capital of sedetanos , and others place here CECA of Belikiom . Lately, this possibility has been denied because the existence of the city of Sedeisken is known by monetary inscriptions and in Cabezo de Alcalá no currency was minted. Apart from potter's marks on the magnificent ceramics found, no other important texts have been found.

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